Truth, Real, Unique, Blessed
"When you’re different, it’s easy to stand out; but what you do after that is what makes you great."
In a music industry where negativity can be the norm, it’s nice to have some light shed on the positive side of music. Music artist T.R.U.B. has found his way to stand out by focusing on what made him fall in love with music as a child… the message.
T.R.U.B.’s fanbase is as diverse as it comes since he has found the perfect way to balance his affinity to rap with a crossover sound within his natural love of hip-hop. The support is evident with one of his latest released singles “TOP”, which has gained more than 1.2 million views on his YouTube channel. His biggest project to date, “4 Courses” is projected to be the complete testament to his ability to cross the bridge of any genre. Owning his ability to stand out has become fuel for T.R.U.B., and he’s using it all in his journey to greatness.
Trub - Go > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krkrz44p3xc
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