Owner/CEO of Iconic Records Philadelphia LLC, Hip Hop Artist, and producer Bloody Knucklez announces the release of his latest project "Allocution." The 7-track project runs suit of the signature "iconic" brand and Philly famed movement. It embodies authentic elements of Hip Hop and boom-bap from flow and cadence to classic knocking bass, and of course impeccable wordplay and raw lyricism. Bloody Knucklez can be noted as one of the most consistent emcees/artists when it comes to music releases, each brewing with substance that equates to timeless gems and "Allocution" is no exception.
"Allocution" bandcamp link - Allocution | Knucklez (bandcamp.com)
bandcamp embedded code - <iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=837738956/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://knucklez2.bandcamp.com/album/allocution">Allocution by Knucklez</a></iframe>
Albert Knucklez Driver, Owner/CEO Iconic Records Philadelphia LLC bloodyknucklez.net
MJ Savino 609-756-6377 MJspokenword@gmail.com www.MJsHipHopConnex.Biz https://mjshhconnex.blogspot.com/ MJs Hip Hop Connex Market Place @MJsHipHopConnex Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn @MJ Savino on ClubHouse Official Publicist for Flipmode Squad's 1st Lieutenant Rampage & The Heat DJ's PR for 2x Grammy-nominated Haas G (The UMC's) | Fredro Starr (ONYX) | Billy Danze (M.O.P) | Dres (Black Sheep) | Special Ed | Grammy-winner SPEECH (Arrested Development) | Grammy-winner Cee Knowledge (Digable Planets) U.S. & International Writer/Journalist/Blogger Publicist / Radio Host /Social Media Manager/Artist Development